About Me

Hello, My name is Mary Huelskamp. Presently, I am attending school at Kaplan University Online seeking to attain my Masters Degree in Nursing/Nurse Education. My plan is to teach Geriatric Nursing, which is also the intent of this blog entitled, "Gerontology to Foster Geriatric Nursing". Feel free to offer your comments - they will be very much appreciated. Thank you, Mary Huelskamp, RN/BSN/MSN student.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

True or False

Lack of exercise leads to increase confusion?  True or False?

Studies reveal the Hippocampus shrinks with lack of exerise. The hippocampus is responsible for our short term memory; thus with lack of exercise we become more confused (Horton,2011).


Horton, J. (2011). Short term memory loss in old age? Blame lack of exercise. Retrieved from http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/7869836/short_term_memory_loss_in_old_age_blame.html?cat=70

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