About Me

Hello, My name is Mary Huelskamp. Presently, I am attending school at Kaplan University Online seeking to attain my Masters Degree in Nursing/Nurse Education. My plan is to teach Geriatric Nursing, which is also the intent of this blog entitled, "Gerontology to Foster Geriatric Nursing". Feel free to offer your comments - they will be very much appreciated. Thank you, Mary Huelskamp, RN/BSN/MSN student.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Topic 2: Understanding Memory

Objectives -
Ability to define memory
Ability to list 3 ways to improve memory
Distinquishes the difference between memory and learning

Activity 1 -  Review the attached video entitled, Mystery of Memory produced by Ivanhoe Broadcast News. Discuss your thoughts.

Mystery of Memory

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