About Me

Hello, My name is Mary Huelskamp. Presently, I am attending school at Kaplan University Online seeking to attain my Masters Degree in Nursing/Nurse Education. My plan is to teach Geriatric Nursing, which is also the intent of this blog entitled, "Gerontology to Foster Geriatric Nursing". Feel free to offer your comments - they will be very much appreciated. Thank you, Mary Huelskamp, RN/BSN/MSN student.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Hardford Try This Videos Series - Geriatric Nursing

The Harvard Institute  for Geriatric Nursing (2010) has developed a series of videos discussing various geriatric issues in nursing. Please feel free to view the videos at your earliest convenience. You will need the latest version of the Adobe Flash to connect to the Hardford Try This Videos series.
Source Weblink:  http://consultgerirn.org/resources/media/?vid_id=4475795#player_container
If you have any problems with accessing the link try connecting to Web link: www.nursingcenter.com/AJNolderadults for further details on how to access the articles and videos.

Don't forget to leave your comments. Thank you, Mary

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