About Me

Hello, My name is Mary Huelskamp. Presently, I am attending school at Kaplan University Online seeking to attain my Masters Degree in Nursing/Nurse Education. My plan is to teach Geriatric Nursing, which is also the intent of this blog entitled, "Gerontology to Foster Geriatric Nursing". Feel free to offer your comments - they will be very much appreciated. Thank you, Mary Huelskamp, RN/BSN/MSN student.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gerontology and Geriatrics in Healthcare

The following brief paragrpahs is an interpretation of the Andrus Foundation's (2001) definition of Gerontology and Geriatrics:

Gerontology is defined as the multidisciplinary study of bio-psycho-social changes influencing persons' lives from the middle life years to the end-of-life. It includes the study of public policy, humanities, and economics influencing the healthcare of those citizens during their aging years.

Geriatrics is defined as the study of the health and diseases that influence persons from middle age to later life; to include a study of the comprehensive healthcare provided to those people and the well-being of their caregivers, ultimately to foster Geriatric Nursing for tomorrow's Geriatric Healthcare.

Andrus Foundation. (2001). What is gerontology? geriatrics? [Careers in Aging]. Retrieved from Web source: Association of Gerontology in Higher Eduation from http://www.careersinaging.com/careersinaging/what.html

Is Geriatric Nursing for you?


  1. Mary,

    You have a very well laid out blog site that will hopefully hit home for all of us one day. I quite enjoyed the Abby Road video.

    I remember back to my very first clinical as a LPN student and I made the statement that I would never go into geriatrics... Famous last words. I have found the world of geriatrics very rewarding and that is 99% of the popullation that I dwal with in home health and hospice.

    Great Job,

  2. Dee,

    I agree, Geriatrics is a rewarding field. I am glad you enjoyed the Abby Road video. Have you had a chance to review any of the Hartford videos yet?
